Wednesday, November 4, 2009

UPCOMING ZINE - still looking for content

TBA Collective got a photocopier donated from CBC radio so I've taken it upon myself to continue a zine that I put on the back burner earlier this year to concentrate on event organizing.

This first issue seems to be very specific on art and music, which makes sense seeing my involvement with TBA. It includes a few artist profiles which I based off interviews I had with a few artists (The feature: Artist Andrew Robson and Photographer Cat Aseneault), a "where to check out art" list of artspots in Moncton as well as a few "how to"s for bands, that I took out of some tutorials I've been working on for these workshops I'd like to put on for MIME 2010..

If anyone is interested in submitting any content they feel has relevance to publicize to our community, they can email it to

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